Redwood Symphony is an all-volunteer orchestra dedicated to the performance of ambitious, contemporary repertoire, as well as the great orchestral classics. The innovative programming and emphasis on education are two reasons so many of the most talented musicians from throughout the San Francisco Bay Area volunteer their time to play, and why our audience and local critics are so enthusiastic.
Our landmark 40th Season
Innovative and ambitious as ever in 2024-25!

Thank you to our sponsors

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Redwood Symphony gratefully acknowledges Cañada College, our base of operations since 2007.
Redwood Symphony thrives on the generous time our volunteers put in, from creating concert programs to staffing the lobby during concerts.
Contact us if you might be interested in playing with Redwood Symphony so we can arrange a talk or visit.
Support us financially. We greatly appreciate donations of any size (especially employer matching grants), including endowing a chair for $1,000.